• Federal programs

    ESSR III (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief)

    Coupland ISD received federal  grant funds in the amount of $260,391 to respond to the pandemic and to address student learning loss as a result of COVID-19.  The funds are earmarked for class size reduction so the teacher to student ratio will be lower than the state requirement.  The funds must be spent by summer 2024.  For more details on the use of funds plan, click the link below.

    Use of Funds

    Plan de uso de fondos ESSER III de

    ESSR II (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief)

    Coupland ISD received federal grant funds in the amount of $115,905 to respond to the pandemic and to address student learning loss as a result of COVID-19.  The funds are earmarked for technology that will increase student engagement and prepare the district to respond to school closures should they be needed.  Funding is available through September 2023.


    Title I, II & IV

    Coupland ISD receives Title I, Part A funds and is a schoolwide program.  The Title I, II, IV funds are pooled for a combined total of $52,485.  Coupland Elementary uses the funds to address TEA's Strategic Priority #2:  Build a strong foundation in reading and math.  The school has a reading interventionist that works with identified students in reading.  Last year, a Reading Interventionist was hired to work with students in need of strategic reading intervention.  To view a copy of the Home School Compact, click here.  To access our parental involvement policy, click here.

    Homeless students qualify for additional resources under the McKinney Vento Act.  If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Tammy Brinkman at tbrinkman@couplandisd.org or 512-856-2422.

    Small Rural School Achievement Grant

    This federal grant provides $18,998 to supplement the regular instructional school program.  The revenue is earmarked for technology such as Chromebooks and instructional materials.